it was because he wanted to be released from court etiquette: wakita . 宮廷儀礼から解放されるため…脇田
the formulation of court etiquette including the gosechi no mai dance was also brought forward . また、五節の舞を始めとする宮廷儀礼の定式化も進められた。
it is a myojin taisha shrine listed in engishiki (one of the earliest extant written records of imperial court etiquette compiled in the engi era ) laws . 延喜式に記載された名神大社である。
also , an article about warawa tenjo (a child of good family placed in court service to learn court etiquette ) describes , ' yusurutsuki filled with water should be prepared at 柳 .' また童殿上のことの条に、「泔坏に水入れて、柳 に置きて具すべし」とある。